Nick Hackworth


Projects AmazoniAlerta

Nick was part of the founding team and is a Director (pro bono) of AmazoniAlerta working on fundraising and communications.

AmazoniAlerta is a start-up NGO that works with Indigenous communities in Brazil to advance the legal defence of their lands and rights and the protection of the Amazon rainforest.

The project is led by Indigenous rights lawyers Carol Santana and Kari Guajajara.

Since the spring of 2022 AmazoniAlerta has been working with selected communities in Araribóia Indigenous Land in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. The territory is home to the Guajajara People and the Awá People. Their lands are amongst the most invaded and vigorously defended indigenous lands in the Amazon.

AmazoniAlerta recently made its first formal submission of evidence of violations of Indigenous lands and environmental crimes, gathered by our local team members, to an international legal body, the Washington-based Inter American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) as part of an ongoing action requiring the State of Brazil to adequately protect local communities.

AmazoniAlerta’s program in 2023 is funded by Rainforest Fund and private donors.