Contemporary Art Exhibitions 2004
Glenn Brown The innovative ex-Turner Prize nominee, infamous for “copying” other people’s paintings, presents new work. - 14 Sept-7 Nov, Serpentine Gallery, 020 7402 6075.
Bruce Nauman Revered for his entertaining exploration of contemporary experience through neon sculptures, film and installation, the 63-year-old American unveils his attempt to fill the Turbine Hall. - 12 Oct-28 March 2005, Tate Modern, 020 7401 5000.
Frieze Art Fair The opening of the fair, though only in its second year, represents the highlight of the season with a host of top international galleries displaying their wares. - 15-18 Oct, Regent’s Park, 020 7025 8000.
Turner Prize The usual media attention should fall upon the work of the four nominees — Kutlug Ataman, Jeremy Deller, Yinka Shonibare, Langlands & Bell, despite the disappointing line-up. - 20 Oct- 23 Jan 2005, Tate Britain, 0207401 5000.
Robert Frank A retrospective of the legendary 20th-century photographer. - 28 Oct-23 Jan 2005, Tate Modern, 020 7401 5000.
New York’s Museum of Modern Art Moma reopens on 20 Nov, after a redesign and expansion that has doubled the size of the world’s leading modern art museum. A reminder that London isn’t quite the undisputed capital of the art world yet.
Faces in the Crowd An attempt to show that avant-grade realism has been just as important as more iconoclastic forms of avant- garde art, including works by Hopper, Bacon, Grosz, Gursky and Richter. * - 3 Dec- 27 Feb 2005, Whitechapel Art Gallery, 020 7522 7888.